Pet Health - Effective Tips And Information About Dog Constipation

From the desk of Sharda Baker


Hi and welcome everyone!

This is Sharda bringing you another pet health newsletter update.

Today, we will be tackling a topic that a LOT of dogs may be experiencing because of their unhealthy habits and their diet.

So, let's start this pet health update and shed some light into dog constipation.





Strenuous effort to produce a bowel movement with no results, small, dry and/or hard fecal matter and long stretches of time between movements. Other signs of constipation in dogs are loss of appetite and abdominal pain.


Dog constipation is usually due to pet nutrition or dietary issues, where something your pet is or isn't eating is causing the problem. There could be other reasons as well.

A lack of fiber in the diet can lead to constipation, as well as a lack of fresh drinking water. Ingested foreign objects such as bones, rocks, garbage or other materials can disrupt your dog's digestive system too.

Other causes could include lack of exercise, worm infestation, and underlying pet health problems.

Prolonged constipation can lead to serious gastrointestinal canine health problems, including a condition known as megacolon, where your dog is no longer able to expel feces effectively.



The most common treatment for for this pet health problem is a change in your dog's diet. If that doesn't work, then a pet medication of mild laxative can be used. In some cases an enema may be needed to remove hardened stool impacted in the colon.

Here are some herbal pet medications that may assist your dog's constipation problems

  • Psyllium nigrum husk is a really high source of dietary fibre. It's actually been used for centuries to treat colitis and ulcers plus encourage regular bowel movements.
  • Avena sativa otherwise known as oats, is made from whole wild oats. It's been traditionally used for the nervous system and is a very effective constipation remedy. Because it also has a high silica content, is has been known to aid in the building of strong bones.
  • Aloe Ferox is actually a succulent with many therapeutic uses. It has a history of being used in ancient Egypt as early as 1500 BC. It's known for its beneficial effects on digestion and is a natural system cleanser and remedy for constipation.
  • Natrium Muriaticum 6C is a biochemical tissue salt that helps maintain the body's water balance. It has a very crucial role in the digestive process and processing foods in a healthy manner. An imbalance of this leads to problems such as constipation, diarrhea, vomiting, indigestion, bloating and heartburn.



Exercise will definitely help loosen the bowels, just so long as the bowels are not impacted or blocked. Vaseline can also be used. Just spread it on your dog's paws.

If these remedies don't work a trip to the Vet is definitely in order. If the bowel is impacted too long it could burst a life threatening situation.

Also, if you are unsure about something please don't hesitate to contact your vet immediately.

I hope that you learned a lot from another pet health newsletter update.

All the best and take care
